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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why It's Important to Know Your Medications

So many people take medications for chronic illnesses-yet don't even know the names of the medications they put into their bodies. Some don't even know why they're on the medications in the first place. To say it's a "white" pill, or "blue" pill just doesn't suffice for the health care professionals trying to take care of you when you're presenting to an ER or doctor's office. It really puts you-"the patient" and the doctor at a disadvantage in one important aspect of providing optimal medical care. Many drugs interact with one another, have particular adverse reactions if given with another type of drug, or predispose a person to bad side effects. This is a serious problem throughout our society today-with the increase in technology has also come a decrease in people actually taking responsibility for themselves. It is a good ideal to write down the names of any medications you are taking, what they are used for, including doses(.ie strengths) and dosing schedule(ie. how often you're taking them). Keep the list of medications in your wallet,bags or purse and take it with you for any doctor appointments or just in case you end up in an emergency room. If you have any allergies-wear a medical alert bracelet at all times. May also be a good ideal to let another member of your family know this information. If you have questions about any of your medications, don't be afraid to ask your pharmacist or physician for clarification. Take control of your health and know what you're putting inside your body.

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